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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome Thing 3!!!!!

It has been MANY moons since I've blogged! I'm excited to do it for something important to me :)

When I made those first boards as Christmas gifts, I had a inkling that MAYBE I had found something to do to make myself feel I was doing better by my children. A few times I was certain I should give up, but I kept going! Here I am with over 800 fans & the beginnings of orders! I hope it is just the start of something amazing that my kids will be proud of their mommy for!!!!

Thing 3 Creations

1 comment:

  1. Just saw you on Facebook and came over and was looking for the "like" button, lol. Good for you. Keep up the hard work and I am sure you will do well. Plz follow me back at
    I could do a review/giveaway with you sometime if you'd like and help spread the word.
